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Sidebar Menu

Define sidebar using JSON


Basic Sidebar

  <p-sidebar-menu :menus="menus">
      <img src="/assets/images/logo-privy.svg" alt="" />

<script setup>
import { defineMenu } from '@privyid/persona/core'
import IconDashboard from '@privyid/persona-icon/vue/dashboard/20.vue'
import IconDocument from '@privyid/persona-icon/vue/document-filled/20.vue'
import IconUsers from '@privyid/persona-icon/vue/user-groups/20.vue'

const menus = defineMenu([
    items: [
        name : 'dashboard',
        label: 'Dashboard',
        url  : '/',
        icon : IconDashboard
        name : 'documents',
        label: 'Documents',
        url  : '/',
        icon : IconDocument
        name : 'contacts',
        label: 'Contacts',
        url  : '/',
        icon : IconUsers

Fixed Sidebar

  <p-sidebar-menu fixed :menus="menus">
      <img src="/assets/images/logo-privy.svg" alt="" />

<script setup>
import { defineMenu } from '@privyid/persona/core'
import IconDashboard from '@privyid/persona-icon/vue/dashboard/20.vue'
import IconDocument from '@privyid/persona-icon/vue/document-filled/20.vue'
import IconUsers from '@privyid/persona-icon/vue/user-groups/20.vue'
import IconSettings from '@privyid/persona-icon/vue/adjust/20.vue'

const menus = defineMenu([
    items: [
        name : 'dashboard',
        label: 'Dashboard',
        url  : '/',
        icon : IconDashboard,
        name       : 'document',
        label      : 'Documents',
        url        : '/',
        icon       : IconDocument,
        collapsible: true,
        submenu    : [
            name : 'need-action',
            label: 'Need Action',
            url  : '/'
            name : 'in-progress',
            label: 'In Progress',
            url  : '/'
            name : 'others',
            label: 'Others',
            url  : '/'
        name : 'contact',
        label: 'Contacts',
        url  : '/',
        icon : IconUsers
    condensed: true,
    title    : 'Quick Jump',
    items    : [
        name : 'rejects',
        label: 'Rejects',
        url  : '/',
        name : 'archives',
        label: 'Archives',
        url  : '/',
    bottom: true,
    items: [
        name : 'settings',
        label: 'Settings',
        icon : IconSettings,
        url  : '/',
        name : 'english',
        label: 'English',
        url  : '/',
        icon : './assets/images/img-flag.svg'

Narrow Sidebar

  <p-sidebar-menu fixed :menus="menus" type="narrow">
      <img src="/assets/images/logo-privy-icon.svg" alt="" />

<script setup>
import { defineMenu } from '@privyid/persona/core'
import IconDashboard from '@privyid/persona-icon/vue/dashboard/20.vue'
import IconDocument from '@privyid/persona-icon/vue/document-filled/20.vue'
import IconUsers from '@privyid/persona-icon/vue/user-groups/20.vue'
import IconSettings from '@privyid/persona-icon/vue/adjust/20.vue'

const menus = defineMenu([
    items: [
        name: 'dashboard',
        url : '/',
        icon: IconDashboard
        name: 'document',
        url : '/',
        icon: IconDocument
        name: 'users',
        url : '/',
        icon: IconUsers
    bottom: true,
    items: [
        name: 'settings',
        url : '/',
        icon: IconSettings
        name : 'language',
        label: 'ENG',
        url  : '/',
        icon : '/assets/images/img-flag.svg'

Limiting Menus

Limiting how much menu-item would be displayed is possible by setup it from maxLength.

  <p-sidebar-menu fixed :menus="menus">
      <img src="/assets/images/logo-privy-icon.svg" alt="" />

<script setup>
import { defineMenu } from '@privyid/persona/core'
import IconDashboard from '@privyid/persona-icon/vue/dashboard/20.vue'
import IconDocument from '@privyid/persona-icon/vue/document-filled/20.vue'
import IconUsers from '@privyid/persona-icon/vue/user-groups/20.vue'

const limit = defineMenu([
    maxLength: 2,
    items: [
        name : 'dashboard',
        label: 'Dashboard',
        url  : '/',
        icon : IconDashboard,
        name: 'document',
        label: 'Documents',
        url: '/',
        icon: IconDocument,
        name : 'contact',
        label: 'Contacts',
        url  : '/',
        icon : IconUsers
        name : 'rejects',
        label: 'Rejects',
        url  : '/',
        name: 'archives',
        label: 'Archives',
        url: '/',



alignStringleftSidebar alignment, valid value is left and right
typeStringwideSidebar type, valid value is wide and narrow
fixedBooleanfalseActivate fixed Sidebar
menusArray-Menu items
showMoreTextStringMoreText for show more's button
showLessTextStringLessText for show less's button


defaultContent to place Sidebar Brand
bottomContent to place in the Sidebar bottom


There no event here

Released under the MIT License.